the vault

treat this as an archive of all of our previous products, it might look a bit empty now, but it's getting a little more full with every collection. every time we release a collection it comes with a story behind it. it reflects where we were as a brand and what our ambitions were at the time. cool to look back sometimes

February 28th, 2023

the very first collection

the very first collection didn't have a clearly defined theme behind it. what our first line of jewelry did have though, is the fact that it looked a lot better on your neck than in our storage room.

we tried to emphasize this with some secrecy - hiding everything under pink hearts. the landing page also had a thing going where we tempted the customer with a big add to cart button, while also showing off our first ever necklaces.

each necklace had a different coulour - a different meaning assigned to each one and of course a silly little name to water things down a bit. we also wanted to emphasize, that you could rock these single or multi layer, which is why the models showcase both options in the product pictures

January 25th, 2024

the love month collection

the love month collection was released as we came back from a long hiatus and decided to focus on releasing a new capsule every month. let's just say creativity takes time and that plan didn't work out. what did work out however, was the february collection, focused on love for yourself and for your lover.

through an advent-like love season calendar we told a story of seduction, getting ready and the first date, uncovering a new door with every social media post. the clear theme and storyline led us to create fun stuff like get ready with me's, juicy product pictures and seductive reels to showcase our necklaces in action.

the necklaces were of course tied to the theme of love with red coral accents and funky names. this itearation of jewelry came out a lot more mature than the first collection both material wise and audience wise. most importantly though, it inspired our comeback to the jewelry game. not for very long, but still.

March 12th, 2024

the balance collection

the march collection was all about balance. it was also about the necklaces of course, but mostly about balance. you've probably noticed the previous release was very sophisticated-feminine, well this one was a lot more gender neutral. therefore, balance restored.

the theme for this collection was truly freeing, letting us take our wackiest ideas and turn them into promotional material. some of our photos show perfect balance, some emphasize contrasts, usually hiding the underlying idea in plain sight. we were able to achieve this by playing around with various props from jenga to pink donuts. truly hard work this.

this time around we came out with two very well balanced necklaces - one very simple, one very loaded. named accordingly. this unfortunately marked the end of our promise to release a new capsule every month, lasting an impressive two-month stretch.

modern day

the long-term collection

Model wearing a fun.arc.ik. classic pearl necklace, captured in a close-up black-and-white portrait.Model wearing a fun.arc.ik. classic pearl necklace, captured in a close-up black-and-white portrait.

still in the making. you can't write a retrospect on something that's in the present. can you?